
Comments trample on our rights

RE: March 30 article “Activist protest doesn’t move on”.

As members of a local MoveOn group that believes in the democratic ideals of our country and our right as citizens to make our legitimate concerns known to our member of the House of Representatives, we are deeply disturbed by the callous way Rep. Dana Rohrabacher recently dismissed a group of people visiting his office to share their concerns.

We think most people would consider it their right, if not their duty as citizens, to present petitions to their representative when they have concerns about a budget that is being proposed by their government. The proposed cuts to Medicaid, Social Security, education and social services directly affect many of us and are certainly a legitimate topic for discussion.

Instead, the 120 letters as well as the individuals who took the time to visit his office were dismissed as “total leftist nonsense, liberal hogwash.” We are deeply offended by these remarks and are led to believe that our rights as citizens are not only being ignored, but trampled to the ground.


Dee Dee Brooks

Dave Hamilton

Ellen Jacobs

Dolores Juarez

John Juarez

Lan Myers

Vern Nelson

Julia Schroter

Jeanne Whitesell

Dan Whitesell

Patti Worley

Brian Zeek
