
Living a dream

You can’t help but root for Erick Macek.

He’s like that guy on “American Idol” you hope sticks around for another week. Never content to stir up the same old brew, Macek’s caffeine-infused performances are part of a reemerging genre of coffeehouse crooners, full of open-mic banter and free refills on kitsch.

His sound is part James Blunt, part James Taylor, with a squeeze of preppy vagabond and youthful optimism. He’s got the whole Jude Law look thing going on, his intimate performances more “I Heart Huckabees” than “Alfie.”

Will this singer-songwriter from Pennsylvania make the big time? That’s anyone’s guess; lucky for you, he’s still playing acoustic shows at Costa Mesa watering holes and hawking his album “Living Dream” out of his Ford Focus.


The Daily Pilot recently sat down with Macek to talk about his chances and discuss the ever-changing music business. Here are some excerpts from that conversation:

Question: What can we expect from the Player’s gig?

Answer: I’m excited for this show. I usually perform the Hollywood and Los Angeles area, so this will be a more laid back atmosphere with a lot less pressure and more of a hometown feel. I’ll be performing with two great artist-friends of mine: Laura Martin and Molly Jenson.

Q: What was it like playing at the Sundance Film Festival?

A: The exposure that I received from the festival was immense, and just to be in the presence of artists that I look up to and are influenced by such as Dave Matthews, Mike Doughty, Stewart Copeland, Rufus Wainwright and Matisyahu was a blessing.
