
Singing their tour bus’ praises

All-American Boys Chorus cheers on its driver and its brand new, 42-foot-long traveling companion.The All-American Boys Chorus welcomed a new member into its family Saturday. The newest chorister is a 42-foot Renaissance Motor Coach emblazoned with the chorus’ name and a sweeping graphic of the American flag.

The tour bus was introduced Saturday in a ceremony held at the chorus’ headquarters at the Orange County Fairgrounds.

The new bus, which replaced an aging 25-year-old coach, will carry the boys on numerous singing tours throughout the country.


“Today marks a major milestone in the history of the All-American Boys Chorus,” said executive director Tony Manrique.

Holding red, white and blue balloons, the choristers cheered and screamed as the bus rolled into the view; it was the first time the boys saw their new bus. They chanted in unison, “Gary, Gary” -- the name of their bus driver, Gary March, who’s driven for the boys chorus for 29 years.

March cut the ribbon and the boys let the balloons go up into the sky. They raised their glasses of juice and cheered.

“It’s a dream come true; it’s fabulous,” March said.

The new bus was financed by a massive fundraising effort that began four years ago, when staff and board members decided the old bus was just too old, Manrique said.

“You’re entrusting your children -- you want them to be in a safe vehicle,” said Ellen Miller, a chorus board member whose son is an alumnus.

The new bus, which can fit more choristers and comes equipped with six televisions, will take the boys on tour throughout the Southeast and Northwest United States this summer, Manrique said.

To many of the choristers, the bus is much more than a vehicle -- it’s an experience.

Cindy Stokke, a mother of a chorus alumni, said some of her son’s favorite chorus memories were riding on the tour bus.

“We see movies on it -- it’s more fun than sitting in the car all the way home,” said 12-year-old chorister Kyle Wolf.

As he waited in line for his inaugural tour, Kyle said he was looking forward to future adventures aboard the new bus.

“I think it’s going to be a lot more fun to ride in,” Kyle said.20060212iujp55ncWENDI KAMINSKI / DAILY PILOT(LA)At top, members of the All-American Boys Chorus line up in front of their new tour bus. Above, boys chorus members cheer as their new bus drives up at the Orange County Fairgrounds on Saturday. 20060212iujp5tnc(LA)
