
Help needed to pay for gym upgrade

The first semester has come to a close at Thurston Middle School and all those nasty little grade surprises are available online at tmsweb.lagunabeachschools .org/abi, so no one should need resuscitation when the envelope is opened! It is beneficial for both students and parents to know in a timely fashion what is really going on academically. Thank you to the school district for supporting this helpful link to our students.

The PTA is looking into funding options for upgrades to the gym. The gym is a great space that cannot be fully utilized due to audio/video constraints. In other words, there are no audio/video capabilities. The PTA is trying to find a creative way to help fund the cost of installing an audio-visual system. It will cost a fair chunk of change -- about $40,000.

We cannot do it out of our operating budget, so a “Phantom Ball” fundraiser is being planned. The beauty of this is that you need not bathe, dress or even leave the comfort of your own home. All you have to do is send money. “Invitations” will go out to families in the near future with an explanation and a return envelope. Please be receptive to the plea.


In the same fundraising vein, our annual magazine sale will happen March 1 through March 15. Please save your renewals until then and help Thurston Middle School and yourself at the same time. This is our largest fundraiser of the year and finances programs for the remainder of 2006 and into 2007.

Looking to the future, the PTA will help sponsor a career day for seventh- and eighth-graders. The counselors have been actively seeking members of the community to come and share their job skills with the students. This will be held at the end of May and is a great time for students to see and hear real-world experiences.

PTA is also getting involved with a Wellness Fair that is being put on by the Quest for Excellence Wellness committee. This will be held on May 20, and everyone in the community is invited to attend. There will be activities for children, teens and adults as well as great opportunities to learn how to improve your personal health and that of the environment.

If you are interested in getting involved, please give any school a call and they will be able to put you in contact with the right folks.
