
Planning your first book

The Daily Pilot visited aspiring authors at Rea Elementary School and asked, “If you wrote a book, what kind of book would you write?”

“I would write fiction because I would like to have a lot of imaginary stuff in the book.”

Janette Diaz, 9

Costa Mesa

“Spider-Man. It’s my favorite superhero. He rescues people and he fights evil and shoots webs out of his hands.”

Sean Ponce, 10

Costa Mesa

“I would write fiction because you can invent your own character, how they act and it could be unusual.”


Jocelyn Tejeda, 9

Costa Mesa

“I don’t really like writing because writing takes a little more time than reading. I like to read.” Amberly

Ramirez, 9

Costa Mesa

“I don’t know because I don’t have a favorite. I like any kind of fiction.”

Alan Calderon, 9

Costa Mesa

