

1. Which Newport Beach golfing institution closed this week?

A. Cal’s Caddyshack

B. Norm’s 19th Hole

C. Gary’s Greens

D. Shelly’s Swing School

2. Which famed investigative journalist is speaking next weekend as part of the Newport Beach Public Library Foundation’s Martin W. Witte lecture series?

A. Bob Woodward

B. Seymour Hersh

C. James Risen

D. Jayson Blair

3. West Newport residents who have been charged with destroying protected sand dunes in front of their homes will have to pay how much in fines if the California Coastal Commission OKs the punishment next week?

A. $100,000

B. $125,000

C. $200,000

D. $225,000

4. Which schools in Newport-Mesa were honored during the past week?

A. The high schools

B. The private schools

C. The Catholic schools

D. The preschools

5. During the past week Newport Beach residents have been getting mysterious phone calls about what?


A. The city’s proposed general plan update and the controlled-growth Greenlight movement

B. Who will win Sunday’s Super Bowl

C. Why more people are not attending UC Irvine basketball games

D. Costa Mesa’s proposal to have police enforce immigration laws

6. Protesters against the Costa Mesa plan to enforce immigration laws are threatening to do what in about two months?

A. Start an around-the-clock sit-in outside Costa Mesa City Hall

B. Begin an economic boycott of Costa Mesa businesses that don’t show solidarity with their cause

C. Start calling the members of the City Council by silly names

D. Annex Costa Mesa back to Mexico

ANSWERS: 1: A; 2: B; 3: D; 4: C; 5: A; 6: B20060204itxi9kncKENT TREPTOW / DAILY PILOT(LA)James Pooler was the owner of a Newport Beach golf store that closed this week after a 15-year run.
