
TV show restages landslide disaster

Weather Channel crew comes to town to film program on Bluebird Canyon slide.A three-person crew creating a “Storm Stories” episode for the Weather Channel is spending a week and a half in Laguna preparing a program on last year’s landslide.

It is hoped that the show will be ready to air on the anniversary of the slide, June 1.

While some may argue that a landslide is not a storm, field producer Sarah Miller claims the heavy rains that caused the slide make it relevant for Weather Channel viewers.

The documentary-style production company specializes in recreating the drama and damage caused by storms, with reenactments and actual pictures and video footage.


“It’s hard to step into these people’s lives; we’ve been lucky they opened up their doors to us,” associate producer Sara Chmielarski said.

Having played a key figure in the aftermath of the slides, Laguna Police Det. Joe Torres served as the film crew’s guide to the disaster.

Torres served as a liaison between victims and those wanting to help them in the weeks after the disaster.

Working on the documentary provided him with the occasion for warm reunions.

“It was great to be back in touch with the families; there were lots of hugs and handshakes,” Torres said.

Shots of people waking family members up, receiving calls about the tragedy and running into a truck to get away were reenacted by those who experienced them in the slide.

“They’re not actors, so it’s difficult for them at first, but they had fun in the end,” Miller said.

“Emotions came out when you have to relive it,” Torres added.

Torres is in agreement with the film crew in believing that exposure of the tragedy can only be a positive.

“A lot of people had the perception that all these people are all rich, why should we feel sorry for them?” Torres said.

“When people realize they’re like everyone else it makes a difference. It’s good to let people know what we went through.”

“Storm Stories” is seeking footage of the landslide. Those with video or still pictures to share may contact Sara Chmielarski at Towers Productions, (312) 993-1550.
