
Fences and neighbors

Eagle Scout candidate Jim Suchy will build 200 feet of white picket at veterans center.The pressure is on for Eagle Scout candidate Jim Suchy, who has taken it upon himself to replace the Veterans Memorial Community Center’s 30-year-old fence.

Suchy, a high school senior, and his crew of 10 Boy Scouts spent Saturday sawing, painting and pounding away as they dirtied their hands on the project for the first time.

The new fence will bring Suchy a step closer to obtaining an Eagle Scout badge, the highest Boy Scout rank, achieved by only 4% of those who enter the organization.


Following the “Be prepared” motto of the scouts, Suchy has spent the last three months getting ready for construction of the fence.

Given the requirement that all Eagle Scout projects be completed before the applicant turns 18, Suchy has three months to finish the job.

“You can’t slack off, you must work,” he said.

To Suchy, becoming an Eagle Scout carries a special significance.

“It puts you on a higher level -- people look to you for more guidance and leadership,” he said.

Inspiration for the project came from the American Legion, who became familiar with Suchy after selecting him for Boys State, a mock government education program that runs during the summer.

As with most of his scouting activities, the fence project has been a learning experience in leadership, service and outdoor skills.

“It’s not just cutting wood and hammering nails,” Suchy said.

Everything from choosing the materials to organizing the labor force has depended on the Eagle Scout candidate.

The final design had to meet the approval of the American Legion. The new fence will be 200 feet long and encloses the entire front yard of the Veterans Center.

“It will look nicer and more secure, but it’s still going to be a white picket fence,” Suchy said.

Putting together a final report detailing the project’s plans, as well as problems encountered, will be Suchy’s final step before submitting the project for approval.

“It’s the little things that have been the biggest trouble,” Suchy said.

After postponing construction for a weekend due to insurance concerns from the American Legion, there was a moment when Suchy wondered the whole project might be off.

“I thought it all might be for nothing,” he said.

With the legal issues cleared up, Suchy estimates he will finish the project in three more weekends.

“I want to have 20 people here next weekend,” Suchy said.

All volunteers for the project must be Boy Scouts, because of an insurance clause, Suchy said.20060203iu1bvbncMARK DUSTIN / COASTLINE PILOT(LA)Boy Scout Ben Bauch, left, of Trabuco Canyon applies a coat of white paint to wood fencing at the Veterans Community Center as Jim Suchy of Laguna Beach supervises. The fence is Suchy’s Eagle Scout project.
