
Looking into the year ahead

Happy 2006! Hard to believe it is the year 2006; where has the time gone?

What an incredible new year it was, watching the city’s centennial float, Sailing Through A Century, gliding down Colorado Boulevard in the Rose Parade. We certainly are the lucky ones to be living in Newport Beach during the centennial.Big thanks to all the volunteers who that made it happen.

What will be happening in Newport Beach in 2006? Do we dare to imagine? Do we dare to guess? Of course we do.

Let’s start with emergency preparedness. What’s happening to our plan, what’s happening to the outreach?


So far, Huntington Beach is the only Orange County City to be officially recognized as storm ready by the National Weather Service. Realizing that there are only about 950 communities listed as storm ready throughout the country, it’s a big deal.

I’m sure that Newport Beach is filing its application and is aware that one of the criteria is to “promote the importance of public readiness through community seminars,” also known as outreach.

Dec. 26 marked the one-year anniversary of the one most horrific tsunamis ever recorded. Will 2006 be the year that our city becomes storm ready? Will the Newport Beach Fire Department soon be placing in our mailboxes a yellow flier that discusses earthquake preparedness on one side and the three-day survival pack on the flip side, coupled with the orange brochure “Your Family Disaster Supplies Kit” produced by FEMA and the Red Cross? I hope so.

Remember, our current budget is $190 million, which will probably grow closer to the $200 million mark in the fiscal year 2006-07. We can afford a few mailers.

Other sundry things that are on the list for 2006: The video streaming of the planning commission meetings as well as the two lighted crosswalks in Corona Del Mar. Let’s not forget the 10 volleyball courts in Corona del Mar; so far we have a total of three back. I am sure that we will be seeing more courts in the new year and perhaps even some sand.

Bottom line, as long as we have our health, we have it all. Living in one of the most beautiful places in the world, we will get through 2006 the same way we got through 2005, one meeting at a time and one agenda item at a time.

This year will be a big one for voting, beginning with the five City Council seats that are up for election and reelection. The only faces not running will be Steve Rosansky and John Heffernan.

Also, finally making an appearance on the ballot will be the general plan update. The update has been slowly making its way to the ballot for the last four years or so and is almost ready.

Last, but not least are the two petitions that are making their way through the city. When signing the Greenlight II petition, you are ensuring your right to vote yes or no to limit traffic and congestion. When signing the Newporters for Responsible Growth petition, you are ensuring your right to vote yes or no before the city borrows money to finance the construction of large public improvements, such as the proposed new city hall.

* DOLORES OTTING is a regular contributor to Sunday Forum and a community activist.

