
Weather warm, windy

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Hot winds swept through inland Newport-Mesa Wednesday, gusting up to

30 mph in places and pushing temperatures near the 100-degree mark in

at least one spot.

Because of the heat and the subsequent energy demand, California

Independent Systems Operator -- which oversees much of the state

power grid -- called for Southern Californians to save energy by

turning down thermostats, using only necessary appliances and waiting

until early morning or late night to use major appliances.

The range of temperatures from beaches to inland areas was

significant. At one point, a 30-degree difference was recorded

between Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. A 99-degree high was

recorded at the airport, with wind speeds averaging between 20 and 25

mph, said Stan Wasowski, a forecaster for the National Weather


At the beach, temperatures didn’t exceed 70 degrees, Wasowski

said. Lifeguards reported calm surf, with wind speeds around 10 mph,

said Newport Beach Lifeguard Lt. Jim Turner.

Inland, blustery winds caused the Federal Aviation Administration

to “turn the airport around” at JWA, switching the direction of

takeoff and landing patterns, said airport spokeswoman Jenny Wedge.

Flights in and out of JWA were departing north and arriving from the


“The important reason for doing that is because the airlines need

to depart into the head winds,” Wedge said.

The winds were expected to diminish by today, Wasowski said. But

an offshore flow at the beaches is likely to keep temperatures warm.

The water temperature at the beach was 58 degrees Wednesday and

forecasters aren’t predicting a significant warm-up.

Newport Lifeguards said they expect to see large crowds at the

beach this weekend because of warmer temperatures inland, Turner


* LAUREN VANE covers public safety and courts. She may be reached

at (714) 966-4618 or by e-mail at [email protected].
