
Tips for disaster preparedness

* Listen to the radio or other media for information on where to go

and what to do. Having a battery-powered radio is a must in case the

power goes out.

* Design a family emergency plan. Pick two places to meet in case

of an emergency: one outside your house and another outside your

neighborhood. Designate an out-of-state friend or relative to be your

family contact in case of emergency. Keep important papers in a safe

place. Familiarize yourself with how to evacuate your home or office.

Become familiar with your child’s school and day-care emergency


* Pack a family disaster kit in easy-to-carry containers and keep

it in a spot where it can be accessed quickly. The kit should contain

water, food, toiletries, necessary medications, medical information,

cash, checks, credit cards, tools, matches, a whistle, a compass,

maps and all-weather clothing.

* Store several days’ worth of water and nonperishable food in

your home, and a long-term supply of vital medications. And don’t

forget your pets: Have enough water and a supply of whatever food

they eat, and any supplies needed if you have to leave home and are

bringing animals along.

* If you are asked to evacuate your home, immediately shut off the

gas, the water and the electricity. Don’t forget to lock the doors.

* If you are instructed to remain in your home, close and lock all

doors and windows, turn off heating or cooling devices, and keep your

family in one room.

* Have your home checked to be sure structures, such as

fireplaces, are stable in case of an earthquake, and put locks on

your cabinets so items don’t fall out.

* For emergencies or to report injuries, call 911. To find out

information, call 211.

* Remain calm and follow the advice of local emergency officials.

* Visit the following websites for more information on disaster

preparedness: o7www.ready.govf7; o7www.redcross.orgf7;


o7-- Information from the Red Cross, the Federal Emergency

Management Agency, and the Newport Beach Fire Department

