
Leno’s cheap shots are just laughable I...

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Leno’s cheap shots are just laughable

I gave up on Jay Leno when he took a cheap shot at blind people.

I had volunteered for many years at the Braille Institute Library

and gained great respect for the courage of the blind library patrons

and the dedication of the staff and volunteers who served them.

I did not hear Leno’s bad rap on the community college (“Riding

cross-country to get some due respect,” Wednesday) but can guess that

it was another cheap shot.

It is quite disgusting what some people will do to get a laugh.



Looking for right man is serious

An incomplete pre-employment background investigation can be

blamed for Federal Emergency Management Director Michael Brown’s


This fact was illustrated by a television newscaster who

telephoned Brown’s former employer and discovered Brown was an

assistant and never was in charge of anything major. The phone call

took five minutes.

As a member of the Burbank Police Department, I conducted more

than 100 police application background investigations.

The coverage investigation took 10 rank hours and covered

everything from the applicant’s financial status, evidence of drug or

alcohol problems, education, previous employers, neighborhood

contacts, ability to get along with others and much more.

If any doubt surfaced as to the candidate’s all-round fitness, I

rejected that application.

On each application was a statement indicating any fake

information would automatically disqualify the candidate.

I often bragged to my supervisors that after my investigation I

knew more about the candidate than the candidate knew about their own


I conducted the background checks with the good of the community

and the Police Department in mind.

There’s a very well-known saying, “and to the top shall rise the

creme” to which I will add, “as long as it’s not sour.”



The reawakening of a sleeping giant

A message to my fellow Americans and our enemies:

A date we must remember Dec. 7, a day which will live in infamy


When you sought to destroy us you awakened a sleeping giant.

You bent us, but you could not break us. We must not forget Sept.

11, 2001, a dastardly attack -- a day of hypocritical devastation.

We will rebuild the “World Trade Center” even bigger and higher to

make it clear we cannot be forced to our knees.

If you wanted to make us fear, you just steeled our resolve.

If you wanted to tear us apart, you just brought us together.

We will not yield to terror. We were once told by the premier of

another “We will bury you.” We will not be intimidated. We will not

be a destroyed super power.

We are a peace-loving people, but “an eye for an eye.”

Be assured we will retaliate. We will not succumb.

Do not underestimate our endeavor.

As Americans, we won’t walk around terrified. We will defend

freedom and all that is good and just in our world.

We will move forward with pride and determination.

“In God we trust.” God bless America!



A great boss, and a ‘Handy’ one, too

A heartfelt farewell and tribute to Burbank’s finest business

owner, Harry Arzoian, who recently passed away at the age of 85.

The year was 1969, when Harry became the established owner of

Handy Market on Magnolia Boulevard.

The family patriarch led his sons into the business and turned

this little market into a well-known Burbank landmark that continues

on with the family’s third generation.

Harry never missed a day’s work, even when the time came that he

did not have to be there, he was always there to greet and

accommodate every customer with his friendly service.

“Give the customers good service,” he would say, “for they pay our

bills.” His good nature was contagious and it was passed on to many

of us who worked for him.

He treated his employees with kindness and respect, and taking

interest in their personal lives.

I shall forever miss our daily chats, his laughter and, most of

all, this charming man.


Simi Valley

Wiggins is the man for council job

Picking Stacey Murphy’s replacement on the council became easy, as

soon as former Councilman and current airport Commissioner Bill

Wiggins announced his candidacy (“Former mayor’s council bid,” Sept.

10). He has copious amounts of experience and tends to vote down the


True, he’s a registered Republican, but nobody’s perfect.

Being athletic doesn’t hurt either. I see him jogging on the

streets of Toluca Lake occasionally.

A steady hand is needed at the council level and he has it. In

addition, he has a business in Glendale, so he’s familiar with a

balance sheet.

Vahe Hovanessian might be a good candidate for the future. He

should first get some experience on the city of Burbank commissions.

Then, he might consider running for the next vacancy on the council.

We wish Stacey Murphy well in the resolution of her personal


She served the city very well.


