
Wedding announcement


Jennifer Tomasian of Montrose and Matthew Bradley of Glendale were

married at the Los Angeles County Arboretum. Susan Davis officiated.

The maid of honor was Krystine Clark. The bridesmaids were Stacey

Easter, Ashleigh Newcomb and Sarah Bonham.

Matthew Dupont served as the best man. The ushers were Christopher

Lopez, Howard Choe, Daniel Saeurs and Gint Gedgaudas.

A reception was held at the Four Points Sheraton where the

highlights were the bouquet toss and dancing.

The bride is the daughter of Cynthia Priddy Bonham and Christopher

Bonham of Montrose. She is employed by the Tam O’Shanter Inn.

The groom is the son of Rose and Jim Bradley of Glendale. He is

employed by Penelope’s.
