
1. Which animals are annoying residents who...

1. Which animals are annoying residents who live along Newport


A. Sharks

B. Sea lions

C. Goats

D. Mosquitoes

2. There was a warning Tuesday night because of what kind of

potential natural disaster?

A. A hurricane

B. A tsunami

C. A brush fire

D. A Democrat winning the race for Rep. Chris Cox’s Congressional


3. Housing prices in Newport-Mesa did what this month?

A. Rose

B. Stayed the same

C. Reached new highs

D. Fell sharply -- sell now!

4. A political poll released this week found which potential

replacement for Rep. Chris Cox to be in the lead?

A. Marilyn Brewer

B. John Graham

C. John Campbell

D. Don Udall

5. What is at the top of Newport Beach City Manager Homer Bludau’s

list of tasks for the coming year?

A. To build a big wall along the beach to protect the city from a


B. To forge an agreement with the county to get more control over

John Wayne Airport, among other county properties or activities

C. To avoid at all costs ending up in court before the Hon. Judge

Steve Bromberg

D. To see his name never appear in the Daily Pilot again

6. The Costa Mesa Planning Commission decided what in regard to a

proposed massage business for Harbor Boulevard?

A. It can add karaoke and offer live music seven days a week

B. It can open with two fewer parking spaces than city codes allow

C. It can operate a satellite office at commission and City

Council meetings

D. It has to close immediately

7. The general reaction in Newport-Mesa to the Michael Jackson

not-guilty verdict would best be described how?

A. Pretty much uninterested

B. Saying they’re uninterested, but obviously fibbing

C. Rapt, 24/7 attention

D. Still wanting more, more, more news

8. Who was announced as the first major donor to the Newport Beach

centennial celebration?

A. Paul Salata

B. Hoag Hospital

C. Pasadena Chamber of Commerce

D. President Bush

9. Lately, there seem to be how many earthquakes?

A. One

B. Two

C. Three

D. Way too many

10. The Mesa Consolidated Water District did what to its rates

this week?

A. Raised them

B. Kept them the same

C. Lowered them

D. Abolished them

ANSWERS: 1: B; 2: B; 3: C; 4: C; 5: B; 6: B; 7: B; 8: B; 9: D; 10:

