
Soccer coach will rock Father’s Day Andy...

Soccer coach will

rock Father’s Day

Andy Thomas, Laguna Beach soccer club director of coaching and

former boys’ varsity soccer coach at the high school, will perform

with his band, the Ferns, at a Father’s Day rock ‘n roll show at the

Coach House in San Juan Capistrano at 8 p.m. June 19.

The band’s original pop/rock has captured fans of all ages. The

Jerry Garcia Band will take to the stage after the Ferns.

Tickets are $15. To purchase, call Thomas at (949) 293-5701.

The Coach House is located at 33157 Camino Capistrano. For more

information, call (949) 496-8930.

Miss Linda’s Castle

holds dance recital

Miss Linda’s Castle presents its third annual dance recital at 2

p.m. Saturday and Sunday, June 25 and 26 at the Laguna Beach High

School Artist Theatre.

For tickets or more information, contact Miss Linda or Sande St.

John at (949) 633-9429

Hot Diggety Dog;

time for reading

El Morro students got hot dogs and books at the school’s third

Reading Is Fundamental program, featuring the theme, “Hot Diggety Dog

for Reading.” RIF is a national nonprofit organization that inspires

children to read and to become lifelong readers.

Volunteers served up hot dogs, veggie dogs and lemonade, while

each child chose a free paperback book to get them started on summer


Junior Girl Scouts

earn Faith medals

All members of the Junior Girl Scout Troop #610 at St. Catherine

Catholic School have earned the highest religious honor that can be

earned by Girl Scouts ages 9-11.

The “I Live My Faith Medal” was awarded to all of the troop’s 13

members by their Pastor, Rev. Eamon O’Gorman, at an all-school mass.

All of the girls are in the fourth grade.

The girls also completed a pilgrimage to the Mission San Juan

Capistrano and were required to complete a written, in-depth

reflection on aspects of the mission’s purpose and history.

The Diocese of Orange has recognized the achievement of the girls

of the troop, and they received medals and signed certificates from

Monsignor Sammon.

Laguna Beach High

graduate activities

* Baccalaureate, 4 to 5 p.m. Sunday at the Laguna Beach United

Methodist Church. The GradNite 2005 committee is sponsoring this

event. Baccalaureate is an interfaith service that celebrates the

completion of an undergraduate academic career. Family and friends

are invited to attend the service, followed by a reception.

* Candle Rose, 7 p.m. Tues., June 21 in the Artists’ Theatre.

Family and friends are invited to attend this special evening

showcasing seniors’ talents. The roses and messages that were ordered

will be given to the seniors after the performance.

* Senior trip to Knott’s Berry Farm, Wednesday. Tickets are $30.

Students must complete a permission form. Students will check in at 9

a.m. on Short Street. Buses leave at 9:30 a.m. and depart from

Knott’s at 4:30 p.m. for the return trip. Students must complete the

checkout process with their counselors by noon Monday to attend the

senior trip.

* Graduation ceremony, 8 p.m., Thursday Irvine Bowl. Parents and

guests should be seated by 7:30 p.m.; procession begins promptly at

8. Prior to the ceremony, seniors meet at the high school football

bleachers at 6:45 p.m. for check-in and bus transportation to the

Irvine Bowl. All students are required to take the bus, and no

carry-on articles are allowed.

* All-night grad party. The GradNite 2005 event followsgraduation

ceremonies. Students will board buses for the party at festival

grounds. Parents may bring casual clothing for students to change

into prior to boarding; all students are required to sign student

behavior contract. For more info, call Diana at the activities

office, (949) 497-7750, ext. 217.
