
Memorial July 2 for Leigh James Unger

A memorial is planned on Saturday, July 2 for Leigh James Unger, who

died April 18 at the age of 61.

Mr. Unger lived in Laguna Beach for 18 years, served on the Laguna

Arts Commission in 1977, and helped found the popular “Music in the

Park” concert series.

A pianist, piano teacher, composer, poet, publisher, and AIDS

activist, Mr. Unger was born in Cudahy, Wisconsin on October 15,


He taught piano at Cal State Fullerton and in his private piano

studio and was an active member of the California Music Teachers


He began alternative HIV therapies in 1983, resulting in a Laguna

AIDS seminar series in 1991 called “Healing Ourselves.” He is mourned

by his brothers Brian, Mark, Ross, and Neal; sister-in-law Sheila;

nieces Claire and Naomi, and nephew-in-law, Glenn.

A memorial celebration will be held at 2 p.m. July 2 in Laguna.

For directions, e-mail [email protected].
