
The El Morro Scholastic Book Fair, the...

The El Morro Scholastic Book Fair, the library’s biggest fundraiser,

was held this week at El Morro Elementary School.

Profits from sales are used to buy new books and software for the

school. Teachers create a “wish list” of books they would like

donated to the classroom; the lists are displayed at Open House. El

Morro Principal Chris Duddy drummed up business by dressing as

Geronimo Stilton, a giraffe, and on Wednesday and Thursday he wore a

sandwich board in the school’s drop-off area. El Morro staff said the

sale was a huge success; they think Duddy deserves the “Good Sport”

award. The staff also thanks Benson, Lin Steinhoff, and Kathleen

Marlow for all their hard work.
