
Following are some decisions and discussions from...

Following are some decisions and discussions from Tuesday night’s

Laguna Beach Unified School Board meeting:


The board unanimously voted to approve contracts required to

secure services for special education students.

What It Means

Eligible special education students will be able to receive

services which cannot be provided by district staff.


The board unanimously voted to approve the renaming of the “green

room” at the high school theater, which was part of an improvement

project. It will be called the “Greene Room” in memory and honor of

Corinne Beacham Greene, a supporter of the district’s arts programs

who died last year.

What It Means

An ad-hoc citizen committee appointed on April 26 brought the

renaming proposal to the board of education. Committee members

included board members Betsy Jenkins and Robert Whalen, Laguna Beach

High School principal Nancy Blade, choir director Roxana Ward, drama

director Mark Dressler, dance director Michelle Perez and community

members Ken Jillson, Molly Retzlaff, Cathy Krinsky, Molly Bing, Diane

Kloke, Theresa O’Hare and Deborah Rabben.

Committee chair Rabben said the committee unanimously approved the

concept on May 9.

Board member Whalen said that naming a district facility after

someone is not a regular occurrence and requires special criteria.

“Corinne was an inspiration to all who were fortunate enough to

know her and an example of how to live and, most unusually, how to

die with grace and courage,” Rabben said.

Rabben said Greene was a great supporter and patron of the arts at

the high school.

“We think this is a fitting legacy to an extraordinary woman who

made an indelible mark on her community,” Rabben said. “She gave so

much during her lifetime without desire or expectation of

acknowledgment. This is our opportunity to give back.”

The next Laguna Beach Board of Education meeting will be 7 p.m.

May 24 at the District Office, 550 Blumont St. For information, call

(949) 497-7700.
