
Traffic set elects officers

Three new residents joined the city’s Parking, Traffic and

Circulation Committee on March 31, adding to returning members Neil

Katz, Carolyn Wood, Tim Dillon and Dennis Myers.

New to the committee are Joseph Girordano, Darrylin Girvin and

Victor Opincar. Girvin is vice president of the Village Flatlanders


“I am glad to be part of the PTC Committee and working with the

new and returning members and staff,” she said. “My hope is that my

passion for this community can help resolve issues.”

Opincar is a civil engineer recently retired from a national

engineering firm. He has continued his engineering practice in water

resources and public infrastructure as Victor Opincar Associates in

Laguna Beach.

Giordano is a longtime resident of Laguna Beach. He and his wife,

Erika, recently retired, and he decided to join the committee to

contribute to the community.

Myers was elected chairman during the meeting, and Katz was

selected vice chairman for the remainder of their terms.

“We have several studies, parking plans and public transportation

schemes that could use some focus and clarity,” Myers said. “This is

where the talent on this PTC could really be valuable.”

The committee meets the fourth Thursday of each month to review

and make recommendations regarding issues that are before the

council. The public is invited to attend.
