
We quite fancy springtime

Wasn’t it just a few weeks ago that we were ducking for cover and

brandishing umbrellas to guard against the second-wettest rainy

season in our recorded history?

Why, yes, yes it was.

So it is with no small measure of relief that we now see that old,

familiar, blazing, yellow orb showing up regularly once again.

It means that our weather is now more like normal and less like

Seattle. Or wait, with Seattle going through a drought, is that the

other way around?

Whichever it is, when the sun is shining, the yachts are racing

and the painted lady butterflies are fluttering, there is just this

feeling we get that all is right with the world once again.

And, sure, we know not to over do it.

We know that while the bright mornings and warm weather should

make the excessively damp winter a soggy memory, we shouldn’t forget

that given our semi-arid surroundings, the rainfall was just as much

a blessing as the rays of sunshine.

But forgive us. It’s really hard to see it that way when our yards

flood or slide down hills. We’re Californians. Sunshine is expected.

Happy spring.
