
Three members of Huntington Beach Boy Scout...

Three members of Huntington Beach Boy Scout Troup 692 recently earned

the honor of the Eagle Scout Award. A Court of Honor for Samuel

Olive, EJ Mason and Hunter Mason was held Feb. 26 at the Church of

Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The boys’ Eagle Scout projects

included planting trees and restoring and repairing trails at the

Shipley Nature Center. Olive is a senior at Huntington Beach High

School. Both EJ Mason and Hunter Mason attend Fountain Valley High

School, where EJ is a senior and Hunter is a junior ... Huntington

Beach residents Loren J. Albeg, Duncan M. Frederick, Thien-Trang J.

Nguyen and Momoko Sato were each named to the fall semester dean’s

list at Boston University.

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