
Mike SciaccaJust as the sun broke through...

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Mike Sciacca

Just as the sun broke through the clouds late Sunday morning, some

fitting words filled the air at the north side of the pier: “There’s

a party going on right here.”

That line, from the 1980 Kool & The Gang top 10 song,

“Celebration,” was the motto for nearly 100 participants who came out

to the third annual Huntington Beach Kite Party.

It was a party -- not a festival -- as event sponsor and local

businessman Dave Shenkman was quick to point out.

“We don’t use the ‘F’ word around here,” he said. No, it was a

celebration of the art of kite flying.

No competition, just an easy-going schedule, with kites dancing

and darting in the air throughout the weekend.

There were sports kites and cellular kites, an auction,

demonstrations and performances in the center ring, many of which

were set to choreographed music.

Shenkman flew a Revolution four-ling sport-wing model.

“It’s all about coming out here and having fun, and that’s why all

these folks are here,” said Shenkman, who runs the Kite Connection on

the pier. “We have as many as 50 professional fliers and designers

out here, plus another 50 or so kite enthusiasts. They come from all


Participants did, coming from places the likes of England and


Locals enthusiasts enjoyed the atmosphere, too.

And their willingness to fly under any conditions, as well as

their desire to have a good time in a relaxed setting, proved greater

than the stormy weather that greeted the three-day event last Friday.

“No wind, no rain, nor winter’s cold,” a line from the Supremes’

hit song, “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough,” also could have served as

this group’s motto.

Despite the inclement weather, they came to Surf City anyway.

“This is really nothing,” said Ron Gibian, who, along with his

wife, Sandy, came from their home in Visalia, to Surf City, for the

party. “We’ve flown in much harsher conditions before.”

They made it into town late on a rainy Friday, but had rain-free

skies on both Saturday and Sunday for flying the “Kalypso,” a light,

narrow-but-wide wing box kite that Ron Gibian designed himself.

The weekend weather was nothing, compared to the frozen lake the

couple, who had worn snow gear and gloves, had flown on the previous

weekend in Madison, Wis.

Sunday, they flew the “Kalypso” wearing jeans and a T-shirt.

“We’ve traveled around the world and have flown kites in about 14

other countries, but this event here in Huntington Beach is one of

our favorite events,” Sandy Gibian said. “Festivals are pretty hectic

but this here, it’s just about having a good time. No rules. Just

having fun is the rule around here.”

You wouldn’t get any arguments out about the “fun” aspect from the

four-member team, Team Too Much Fun, a group composed of fliers from

San Diego and Yorba Linda.

The team, made up of Ron Despojado, Susan Shampo, Mark Lummas and

his wife, Jeanette, flew two- and four-line sports kites.

They flew to choreographed routines, as a team, in groups of two,

individually, and even traded kites with each other during their


“This event is unique in that it’s a kite-flier’s event, for the

kite flier,” Mark Lummas said. “We’re happy to be putting on a show

for the spectators here at the beach.”

And fun, after all, is the motto for Team Too Much Fun.

“If it’s not fun, then we’re not going to do it,” Shampo said.

“And this party, this is fun.”
