
Hoag leader to leave

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Steven Moreau, Hoag Hospital’s senior vice president and chief

operating officer, will leave his position next month to take the

helm of an Upland community hospital.

Moreau will take over as president and chief executive officer at

San Antonio Community hospital after his last day at Hoag, March 2,

hospital spokeswoman Debra Legan said. Moreau has held his current

posts since 1991 and oversaw daily hospital operations.

He also helped establish the hospital’s cancer, heart and

vascular, orthopedics and women’s services centers.

Moreau was unavailable for comment.

The hospital will seek a replacement once a new chief executive

officer is named, Legan said. Hoag’s chief executive officer, Michael

Stephens, plans to retire once his replacement is named, most likely

by summer, Legan said.

In the interim, Moreau’s responsibilities will be shared by the

hospital’s senior vice presidents, she said.

-- Marisa O’Neil
