
Michael Fraser, a student at Dwyer Middle...

Michael Fraser, a student at Dwyer Middle School in Huntington Beach,

was one of 10 California children honored for boating safety artwork

in the “2005 Safe & Wise Water Ways” poster contest. The contest was

developed by the California Department of Boating and Waterways to

increase children’s awareness of boating and aquatic safety ... The

following students from Huntington Beach’s Ocean View High School

have earned the designation of AP Scholar by the College Board in

recognition of their exceptional achievement on the college-level

Advanced Placement Program Exams: Jaclyn Kimble, Carole Som, Alisha

Armas, Richard Hill, Brian Lea, Whitney Merrill, Jennifer O’Brien,

Christopher Yamamoto, Amira Abdel-Aal, Sarah Ellison, Jason Goble,

John Greiner, Kenneth Irving, Amos Joshua, Kenneth Krenzin, Ashley

Lane, Christina Luu, Claudio Meneses, Natalia Miller-Farhadmo, Nicole

Moran, David Ngo, Kathleen Nguyen, Stephanie Park, Gina Pham, Jaimie

Pham, Anne Schaefer, Thomas Stahlbuhk, Rachel Steiner.* NEIGHBORS is

news about Huntington Beach people achieving and doing good in the

community. To submit information to this feature, please send it to

the Independent, Attn.: Neighbors, 1375 Sunflower Ave., Costa Mesa,

CA, 92626; fax it to (714) 966-4667; or e-mail it to

[email protected].
