
Judge leadership by the evidence


Steve Cahn, Daily Pilot managing editor, questions the statement on

the House Policy Committee’s website,, that the

“Republican Party has proven the most effective political

organization in the history of the world.” For context, one need only

click on the next link, the 2005 Republican Freedom Calendar,

(available at 2005_calendar). The calendar’s

preface states:

“The Republican Party became the most effective political

organization in the history of the world in advancing the cause of

freedom by staying true to its founding principles.... We started our

party with the express intent of protecting the American people from

the Democrats’ pro-slavery policies that expressly made people

inferior to the state.” (Emphasis added.)

From freeing millions from slavery in America to freeing hundreds

of millions more from bondage in the former Soviet Empire to

liberating millions in Afghanistan and Iraq, Republican leadership

has led America to achieve freedom for more people than any political

organization, ever.

For the most recent example of the continuing Republican

commitment to advancing human freedom, one need look no further than

President Bush’s Second Inaugural Address this week.

For the complete context of this statement, click on the link to

the speech, “Honoring 150 Years of Civil Rights Achievement.”

* CHRISTOPHER COX is the U.S. Representative for Newport Beach and

other parts of Orange County.
