
Putting a face behind the book

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Lauren Vane

Students at Circle View School had the chance to meet the author

behind some of their favorite books as the school presented Author’s

Day on Jan. 25, part of the Huntington Beach Public Library’s

Author’s Festival.

Sharon Sharth, “Mr. Mike” Snyder and Sara Van Dyke were who were

picked by a parent committee to participate in Author’s Day, reading

from several of their books and talking to students about what it’s

like to be an author.

“They get a chance to see people who write,” said Circle View

Principal Pauline Tressler. “We want our kids to explore writing.”

Mr. Mike, the featured author at Author’s Day, is the author of

two poetry compilations, “Swimming in Chocolate” and “Lemon Drop

Rain.” Mr. Mike, who has participated in Author’s Day for several

years, said it is an invaluable benefit for the children to have an

opportunity to meet and talk with the writers of the books they read.

“You have a library full of 10,000 books, there’s a writer behind

every single one of those books,” Snyder said. “It’s a really nice

way for kids to be able to see what it’s all about.”

The whole school had the opportunity to hear from Mr. Mike, and

selected grade levels were also able to meet the other two authors --

Sara Van Dyke, who writes nonfiction stories about insects, and

Sharon Sharth, who writes nonfiction about animals.

“I think that the reason that I write is that it’s only the kids

who are going to be able to change this world,” Sharth said.

Fourth-grade teacher Joyce Stalcup said that the students enjoy

putting a face to the writers behind the books they love.

“I think it helps kids realize that there are real people behind

these books,” Stalcup said. “I think it’s inspirational for our young


Pam Justice, a volunteer with the Circle View PTO and a parent of

a fifth-grader, said her son benefits from meeting a real writer and

has always enjoyed author’s day in the past.

“It’s really neat because the kids can see how fun it would be to

be an author,” Justice said. “He loves it.

“It does inspire them, it really does. They come home and talk

about it.”
