
What is an emergency worth?

Do away with the $36 fee. I believe that the best way to approach the

fee is to charge the $300 to the individuals who receive the service,

but only collect the amount that is paid by the insurance companies

from the bona fide residents of Costa Mesa.

That money would go to the city, and residents would not be

required to pay any deductible or co-insurance amounts. All

nonresidents of Costa Mesa would be required to pay the entire fee.

This type of program has been used in many cities across the country.

This would reduce the need to determine the financial situation of

each household that would be requesting a reduction in the $36 fee.

Many of the emergency medical service visits are to the elderly, and

this would also not burden them with either the $36 fee or paying any

of the deductibles and co-insurance amounts.

We may not generate as much income as we would under the

subscription fee program, but it appears that the subscription fee

program burdens the individual households (paying $36 a year) more

than the businesses ($3 per employee over 10 employees).

My plan may be too simplistic to work, but I would like the City

Council to consider it.


Costa Mesa

I’m interested in this EMS system for Costa Mesa and would like to

sign up.


Costa Mesa
