
For the new year, I will ...

I want to get a long with my sisters better, because they are

sometimes mean to me.

I want to be a better writer, because I am not very good at


I want my dog to like me more, because sometimes when I call her

name she gets scared.

I want to try to clean my room more, because it is always so


I want to get a little better at math, because I am not very good

at it.

I want to get better at reading, because I want to read lots of

cool books.

I want to get a little better at doing poems in class.

Jessica Day

I would want to write neatly on tests and reports so I can get

good grades.

I would want to get along with my brothers so that my mom can

study well. I would like my life to be more organized.

I want my room to be organized so I can find my homework and my

work on my desk.

Jenna Knott

After New Year’s I would like to be able to get along with my

sisters better, because my parents deserve break!

I would also like to have more character, because when I make a

speech for a report at school I am not very enthusiastic.

Another thing I would like to be able to do is write in cursive a

bit neater, because I think that my cursive isn’t my best.

The fourth thing I want to be able to do is get ready faster in

the morning, because sometimes Dylan and Siena are late to school.

The fifth thing I would like to be able do to is go to bed

earlier, because I am always tired.

The last thing I want to be able to do is remember things better,

because if my mom tells me to remind her something I will probably


Hannah Martin

I will be more organized so I will find things more easily. I will

let my little brother and sister in my room so my mom gets time off.

I will help my mom when she needs me to. I will also write in my

cursive better, because I don’t think my cursive is that good. I will

also stop when my mom tells me to stop.

J.P. Wollam

After New Year’s I want to accomplish better attendance.

After New Year’s I want to accomplish better listening.

After New Year’s I want to accomplish better neatness.

After New Year’s I want to have better behavior.

After New Year’s I want to write better poetry.

After New Year’s I want to get better at reading.

Kassi Wisbaum

For the New Year, my resolution would be to write neatly, because

for the past few months my writing has been really sloppy.

I would also like to improve at staying on topic in my stories,

because my stories go from one thing to another. I would like to

change that.

When I get confused, it’s all my fault. So, I would like to be

more organized because I don’t want to fall apart like that.

Cyanna Atkinson

My New Year’s Resolution is to be nice to my mom, because she has

been so kind and patient too. I will not eat that much junk because

I’ve been eating a little too much junk.

I think I should get along with my sister and brother a little

more. I think I should be a little neater too.

Reyna Kelly

I resolve to stop eating junk food, because fresh food will make

me be healthier.

I want to get along with my brother, because my mom will be happy.

I want to be more organized so I can find my homework.

I want to stop fighting with my brother, because we get hurt when

we fight.

Brooks Johnson

I want to get better at sports, because I want to become a

professional athlete.

I also want to get better grades so I get good classes.

I want to try to get along with my brothers, because I don’t want

to get hurt.

Garrett Burk
