
Local chiropractor donates packages to troops

With the help of the Newport Beach and Costa Mesa communities, the

chiropractic office of Jake Pivaroff and neighboring offices have

collected and sent over 200 pounds of goods to an Orange County Army

National Guard unit. Pivaroff, a Vietnam War veteran, said his

offices have collected seven crates of socks, stationary, pens and

pencils, which will arrive at their destination by Tuesday.” Troops

from the unit will head to Kosovo after the first of the year.

But Pivaroff does not plan on stopping there.

“There are some hardships right now for the families, because

these guys have been gone already for two months,” Pivaroff said.

Pivaroff wants to hold local food drives throughout the year and

eventually establish a food bank in the office, so the troops’

families can stop by and pick up whatever canned foods they may need.

Pivaroff is still working to finalize details for the food drive.
