
A big job for new members

In three years’ time, two Huntington Beach City Council members have

stepped down following accusations of misuse of power and illegal

activity. Two former mayors were charged with felonies.

So as Surf City’s two newest councilmen, Keith Bohr and Don

Hansen, begin their terms, our advice is this: Work hard and keep

your noses squeaky clean.

They, and the rest of the council, face a tougher job and closer

scrutiny, especially in the wake of the condominium conversion

scandal in which former Mayor Pam Julien Houchen faces 18 counts of

wire and mail fraud.

Residents are understandably wary and will be watching the seven

people elected to represent them and run the city very closely.

This is a time for more than ethics. Council members must act

above reproach. Voters are disillusioned and distrustful. The council

needs to regain the trust of the residents they serve. And while the

current council may not be to blame for the mistrust, they must

regain it to run the city effectively.

So besides learning the ropes, being available to hear residents’

concerns, making sound decisions and a host of other duties, the new

politicians will need to help rebuild voters’ faith. It may not be

fair, but it is what will be needed.

Bohr and Hansen are certainly up to the task. The two new

councilmen are both positive businessmen with an eye for good public

relations -- traits that may not normally be as important as they

happen to be right now.

Rather than take a rest from campaigning now that they have been

elected, the new members should keep the positive messages flowing.

The city faces an enormous task in rebuilding that faith. But it

also must look at how this could happen -- twice.

So we wish them good luck, and hope they don’t need it.
