
Commission decision not in tune with neighbors

The Newport Beach Planning Commission’s vote Thursday to approve

expansion at St. Andrew’s Church was laughable.

Despite impassioned pleas and eloquent arguments on the part of

the neighborhood against this very much unwanted and unnecessary

project, the commissioners, with the exception of one, voted for it.

This is yet another glaring case of the Planning Commission being

out of touch with the people’s voice.

The readers might be reminded of their last big approval -- the

Marinapark project -- which went down in overwhelming defeat by the

people in November.

So, once again, these commissioners have the pomposity to tell the

neighborhood in spite of the fact that none of them are residents of

Cliff Haven or Newport Heights.

It was suggested by two of the commissioners, as they themselves

were voting for approval, that perhaps the church listen to the very

audible voice of the neighborhood and possibly shelve, or at least

further downscale, the project.

We can all be assured with this clear-as-mud message that the

church planners are listening just as well as the commissioners did

Thursday night.


Newport Beach
