
Mayor, council members juggle tasks

Barbara Diamond

With the new council make-up, certain duties have been shifted.

As mayor, Elizabeth Pearson will be the city’s representative at

the monthly meetings of the Festival of Arts Board of Directors, the

Orange County Division of the League of California Cities and the

South Orange County Assn. of Mayors, the periodic meetings of the

Orange County City Selection Committee and the annual meetings of the

Southern California Assn. of Governments and the Business Improvement

District, which grants funds to arts organizations that bring

tourists into town and to the Arts Commission.

She also volunteered to represent the council with the Laguna

Beach Seniors Inc., the Inter-Jurisdictional Transportation Planning

Forum, the Orange County League of Cities Legislative Advocacy

Committee Liaison, the Orange County Coastal Coalition and the Orange

County Council of Governments, the latter two of which meet at 9 a.m.

on the fourth Thursday of the month, but in different towns.

Pearson will continue as liaison to the city’s Telecommunication

Commission Committee.

She will team with outgoing mayor Cheryl Kinsman as

representatives to the Irvine Bowl Policy Committee and serve as

alternate to Councilwoman Toni Iseman at meetings with the Laguna Art

Museum and the South Orange County Wastewater Authority.

Iseman will continue as the council representative to the Festival

Coordinating Committee and liaison to the Parking, Traffic and

Circulation Committees

Iseman will be on the Montage Liaison Committee, proposed by

Councilman Steve Dicterow. She also is a member of the California

Coastal Commission.

As mayor pro tem, Dicterow will serve as alternate to the mayor.

He also volunteered to liaise with the Affordable Housing and Human

Affairs Committee and the HIV Advisory Committee.

Kinsman, who relinquished the mayor’s gavel to Pearson, also

relinquished the mayor assignments. She will continue as the city’s

representative on the El Toro Reuse Planning Authority, School-City

Drug Abuse Task Force and Recreation Committee. She also will take on

former Councilman Wayne Baglin’s role with Laguna Canyon Road Design

Oversight Committee.

Council newcomer Jane Egly’s assignments reflect her long-time

interest in environmental issues. She will represent the city on the

Coastal Greenbelt Authority, the Laguna Canyon Foundation, the South

Laguna Water/Sewer Committee and she will be the council liaison to

the Open Space Committee.

She also will act as liaison to the Heritage Committee and

represent the city on the Orange County Library Advisory Committee.
