
Ashton-Stone Janice Ashton of Newport Beach exchanged...


Janice Ashton of Newport Beach exchanged wedding vows with Michael

Stone of Santa Barbara at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Newport

Beach on Oct. 17.

The bride is the daughter of Winton and Pat Ashton of Newport

Beach. She designed her own gown, which had 64 buttons, a long train

and laced cuffs and collar. The maids of honor were Connie Arnson and

Rhonda Donahue. The bridesmaids were Mary Lou Williams, Connie

Peacock, Allison Berkey, Melissa Stone, Melissa Wackerman, Jill

Herman, Valerie Balzanti, Carrie Lou Rajacic, Celeste Gladych, Kendra

Brennan, Gabriele Johnson and Debra Lee.

The bridegroom is the son of the late Allan and Brenda Stone of

Palm Springs. The best man was Robert Stone. The ushers were Jim

Ashton, John Ashton, Jeff Ashton, Dave Mandrioli, John Johnson and

Steve Farber.

The reception was held at the Balboa Yacht Club with 150 guests.

The couple honeymooned on Catalina Island and plan to live in

Astoria, Ore. The bride is self-employed and is also a tennis coach

at Foothill High School. The bridegroom is an employee of the Santa

Barbara Mental Health Assn.


Bill and Susan Wood of Newport Beach have announced the engagement

of their son William Wood Jr., of Boston, to Kelly Lyn Weaver of


The bride-elect is the daughter of Jim and Karen Weaver of

Gwynnedd Valley, Pa. She is a graduate of Smith College and Wake

Forest Medical School. She is a first-year resident in pediatrics at

the University of Massachusetts.

The future bridegroom is a graduate of Harvard University and Duke

Medical School. He is a second-year resident in medicine and

pediatrics at Harvard.

An August wedding in planned in Newport, R.I.
