
A sad sign for political process

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During the last days of September, a number of campaign signs

promoting “Mirna Burciaga for City Council” were taken from

placements around the city, including one taken from my own yard.

These signs were seen in the yard of a Mesa Verde resident.

On Sat., Oct. 2, another Costa Mesa resident and business owner

observed a male, about 5 foot 10 inches to 6 feet tall, driving a red

Dodge Ram with a red camper, taking similar signs form placements

along Gisler Avenue. The observer yelled at the individual, asking

him what he was doing. The individual threw the signs he was carrying

into nearby bushes and quickly re-entered his Dodge Ram truck, making

a U-turn and speeding away down Country Club Drive. The resident

recognized the truck, which had been seen in the vicinity of his

business on several occasions.

The saddest footnote of all is that a passenger accompanying the

driver during the above event of Oct. 2 was a young, school age boy.

This young person, quite possibility the son of the driver, is

getting the worst kind of education. At a very early, impressionable

age, he is learning from a close role model that unscrupulous

behavior in politics is OK whenever you wish to achieve your goals.

I am sad, rather than angry about the signs. We should be looking

to the voice of the people to decide on the leadership of our city,

yet individuals are intent on interrupting our process of elections.

We deplore the deadly attacks on voters in Afghanistan and Iraq, but

these actions have exactly the same intent, that of undermining the

election process. It is unfortunate that they are happening in our

own back yard.

Let’s hope that the people responsible come forth or are

identified, not for the purpose of punishment, but to bring an end to

this type of activity. Let’s have our election decided in a public

forum, not by sneaky, underhanded acts.


Costa Mesa

* EDITOR’S NOTE: Mirna Burciaga is a candidate for Costa Mesa City

