
Young students choose favorites

“I like words that start with ‘C.’ Like ‘Caswell.’ That’s my

brother’s name. I like ‘cat,’ too.”

Gaby Orr, 6

“I like ‘D’ words. ‘Drew’ and ‘dinosaur.’”

Drew Raguse, 7

“‘Surf,’ because I surf. ‘Soccer’ and ‘super’ and ‘set.’ I’ve just

got ‘S’ words in my mind a whole bunch.”

James Turner, 7

“‘Snorkel.’ I go snorkeling a lot, and I see a lot of fishes. Once

I saw a wild snake while I was fishing. I like snakes.”

Layson Savant, 5

“‘Surf.’ My dad helps me surf on my boogie board in my pool.”

Avery Percy, 5

-- Interviews and photos

by Jeff Benson
