
Habitat homes a chance for families

I’m struggling with what to write to attempt to convince the

neighbors that eight additional Habitat for Humanity homes built in

their backyards would be an asset to their neighborhood and the


I fear that no matter what I write, I will not be able to convince

the neighbors of the value of this project, proposed for a 1.5-acre

property east of Harbor Center. However, what I do wish to convey, as

a longtime Costa Mesa resident since 1963 and a volunteer with the

Orange County Chapter of Habitat for Humanity since 1996, is that

this project will give eight more families the opportunity for home

ownership, the opportunity to improve their living standards and,

most importantly, the opportunity to have their children live in a

safe environment with good neighbors, attend excellent schools and

live in this outstanding community. Who among you would not wish the

same chance for your family and children?

In providing that opportunity, Habitat for Humanity will be

building quality homes, meeting all of the latest building standards.

I, personally, have participated in building more than 20 homes in

the Orange County area. I have enjoyed working alongside the future

families as they put in their “sweat equity” hours as a condition of

home ownership. The families have proven to be hard-working

individuals, dedicated to advancing a step closer to the American

Dream of home ownership. These homes are not a free handout. They

come with a mortgage and, in a complex such as the one planned,

homeowner’s association dues. Along with the monetary cost, they also

come with the pride that is created with the sweat of one’s own

labors. Frankly, my wife and I would gladly trade the eight-unit

apartment complex bordering the west of our property along with the

rental units on our street for any of the owner-occupied Habitat

homes built here in Costa Mesa.

I pray the College Park neighbors, the Costa Mesa community, along

with the Planning Commission and City Council, will continue to see

the value of this project to both the neighborhood and the community.

And, I pray that when this project gets underway, I will be able to

offer the hand of friendship to the neighbors and invite them to

participate and come lift a hammer and help in making dreams come

true for their new neighbors.


Costa Mesa
