
Hearing God speak in many voices


“To be sure, we cannot make the wind blow. But we do not need to do

so, for it is already blowing. Wherever the son of God goes, the

winds of God are blowing, the streams of living water are flowing and

the sun of God is smiling. He is the bodily guarantee that the sun

and streams and wind of God are round me. I do not need to seek them.

I am already encircled by the rush of wind and water and the radiance

of light when Jesus begins to speak.”


How does God speak to you? I have asked others that question and I

have been asked it as well.

Sometimes I feel I hear from God when I spend time quietly praying

and trying to listen to what comes to me in the silence. Other times,

I’ll write my thoughts and feelings in a journal and sometimes the

tone changes from what I’m expressing to what I sense God might be

saying to me.

There have been more times than I can count when I want to hear

from God, and then it seems like I get specific answers or guidance

when I read the Bible. I’ve also felt God’s wisdom and guidance come

to me through sermons at church or books I read. Sometimes I sense

God speaking of his love for me or his power and faithfulness through


Other times, music speaks to me about God. The other day I

overheard a woman in the market complain on her cellphone about

anything and everything, from the weather to the war and the price of

food. She maneuvered her cart past some others and mine, but the air

of despair lingered on like a musky cologne.

Instead of breathing it in, I began humming a song that brought me

back to God. One of the phrases is: “Isn’t he good, isn’t he good, he

met the need like only he could, faithful and true, to me and you,

isn’t he good?”

Those words reminded me of the goodness of God, even when the

world around me doesn’t seem to be good.

Sometimes God speaks to me most powerfully outside. On the morning

I began this column, I seemed to hear God whisper through the breeze

in the trees. The breeze kissed my face as the warmth of the sunshine

felt like a hug from God that warmed me from the top of my head down

to my toes. The wind started to pick up and I could see its effect in

the increasing pace of the clouds and I felt God remind me that he is

all-powerful. I rounded a corner and marveled at the ocean and felt

like God said that his love was deeper than any ocean and wider than

any sky.

Later that evening, God painted a sunset of radiant colors that

slowly melted into a calming darkness. The sunset seemed to speak of

his creativity and his majesty. As I went to bed that night, I knew

that God would start the next day with a brilliant sunrise, whether I

was awake to see it or not.

God’s radiant love is everywhere and he is faithful and true, to

me and to you.

And you can quote me on that.

* CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON is a Newport Beach resident who speaks

frequently to parenting groups. She may be reached via e-mail at

[email protected] or through the mail at 537 Newport Center Drive,

Box 505, Newport Beach, CA 92660.
