
Rebecca J. Flood was named executive director...

Rebecca J. Flood was named executive director and chief executive at

Costa Mesa-based New Directions for Women, Orange County’s oldest

residential treatment facility for women. Flood has 26 years of

clinical and administrative experience in substance-abuse treatment

... Costa Mesa’s Michelle McDaniels and her horse, Remember this One,

finished fifth in the Working Hunter division at the American Quarter

Horse Youth Assn. World Championship Show in Fort Worth, Texas ...

Annie Blumberg of Costa Mesa and Anna Jones of Newport Beach have

graduated from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, with degrees in

human development and family studies and in sociology, respectively

... Orange Coast College student Pamela Cook-DiGiovanni of Costa Mesa

was awarded a Career Advancement Scholarship from the Business and

Professional Women’s Foundation of Washington, D.C. Cook-DiGiovanni,

a cardiovascular technology major, maintained a 3.81 grade-point

average at OCC and plans to teach in the college’s cardiovascular

technology program, a spokesperson at the college said ... Cathie

Doyle of Corona del Mar and Melissa Segal of Costa Mesa were

certified as mentors through a court-appointed special advocates

program. Orange County Judge Carolyn Kirkwood swore in Doyle and

Segal, who each completed 30 hours of state-mandated training and

will mentor children going through the child-dependency system.

* NEIGHBORS spotlights achievements in the community. Please

direct noteworthy information to Jeff Benson by fax at (949)

646-4170, or send e-mail to [email protected].
