
Results from Santa Ana Country Club’s 56th...

Results from Santa Ana Country Club’s 56th annual men’s Invitational:

Championship flight

First place: Gary Ryness (Diablo Country Club), Roy Humphreys

(Desert Mountain Country Club)

Second place: Richard Fyke (Big Canyon Country Club), Joe Moody

(Big Canyon Country Club)

Santa Ana flight

First place: Kim Marshall (Bear Creek Country Club), Alan

Stubblefield (Alta Vista Country Club)

Second place: Bill Fossatti (Santa Ana Country Club), Joe

Brunansky (South Hills Country Club)

Winning teams from other flights are as follows: Tiger Woods

flight: Greg Preston (Santa Ana Country Club), Brad Riba (Santa Ana

Country Club); Fred Couples flight: Morgan Bartz (Santa Ana Country

Club), Alan Bartz (Santa Ana Country Club); Ernie Els flight: Joe

Perricone (Santa Ana Country Club), Dave Belfiore (Santa Ana Country

Club); Arnold Palmer flight: Al Fenstermacher (Santa Ana Country

Club), Dick Hoagland (Santa Ana Country Club); Jack Nicklaus flight:

Brian Towersey (Santa Ana Country Club), Cris Brown (Hidden Valley

Country Club); Davis Love flight: Jeff Jackson (Big Canyon Country

Club), Anthony Braddock (Washington Golf Club); Phil Mickelson

flight: Bob Penewell (Newport Beach Country Club), Mark Turkel

(Newport Beach Country Club); Tom Watson flight: Sam DiCarlo (Red

Hill Country Club), Mark May (Red Hill Country Club); Jim Furyk

flight: Brian Madden (Alta Vista Country Club), Ryan Wilson

(Candlewood Country Club).

* Results from the “Sea Horse,” Newport Beach Country Club’s

ladies member/guest Aug. 5-6:

Low gross over field

Sandi Coffer, Marianne Towersey

Low net over field

Donna Phebus, Kathy Rosenberger

First flight (Barracudas)

First low gross

Debbie Albright, Martha Redfearn

Second low gross

Debbie Fleming, Kim Feld

Third low gross

Janice Sauter, Lauren Card

First low net

Karen Whitaker, Debbie Brown

Second low net

Marilyn Nicholson, Debbie Lucki

Third low net

Dianne Newberry, Lee Merrick

Second flight (Sharks)

First low gross

Adele Reilly, Joanne Durocher

Second low gross

Jane Hilgendorf, Cheryl Blodgett

Third low gross

Sherry Cook, May Thomson

First low net

Kathy Forde, Juanita Thompson

Second low net

Gaye Roche, Susan Devere

Third low net

Joni Johnston, Sally Tilson

Third flight (Marlins)

First low gross

Maxine Noble, Shay Mathews

Second low gross

Shari Esayian, Charlene Immell

Third low gross

Carol Woodman, Kathy Toro

First low net

Virginia LaBahn, Lynn Kimbrell

Second low net

Patti Lindsay, Carole McDonald

Third low net

Jeanne Lewand, Arlene Moore

Closest to the pin (Aug. 5)

Joan Furry, Carol Warburton

Closest to the pin (Aug. 6)

Shari Esayian, Sally Holstein
