
Tennis sessions offered to locals All Court...

Tennis sessions offered to locals

All Court Tennis will offer a series of training courses for local

youngsters beginning Sept. 14.

The training sessions will be offered in Pee Wee, Junior, Teen and

Competitor divisions.

For a full schedule on the training courses, refer to the city of

Laguna Beach Recreation Dept. brochure, e-mail allcourttennis@, or call Julie Heussenstamm of the United States

Professional Tennis Assn. at (949) 497-4850.

Tennis Challenger Series dates set

Three upcoming dates have been selected for the 2004 Laguna Beach

Junior Tennis Challenger Series.

The series dates are Sept. 26, Oct. 31 and Nov. 21.

The tournament will feature 2 1/2 hours of singles, round-robin

play, novice and advanced sections and is open to boys and girls ages

10 and under.

Interested players can register with the city of Laguna Beach

Recreation Dept.

For further information, e-mail allcourttennis@, or call (949) 497-4850.

Round robin tennis social scheduled

A round robin tennis social and potluck will be held Oct. 16, at

Alta Laguna Park.

Tournament play begins at 1 p.m. with men’s and women’s doubles

action, followed at 3:30 p.m. with mixed doubles play.

Entries for the event will be taken through Oct. 14.

An entry fee of $15 per person is required.

For more information, call (949) 497-4850.

Laguna Beach High seeking coach

Laguna Beach High School is looking to fill the head coaching

position for its frosh/soph girls’ volleyball team.

Interested and qualified persons should contact varsity coach

Lance Stewart at (949) 280-5370.
