
Barbie Barbie is a 2-year-old Labrador retriever/sharpei...


Barbie is a 2-year-old Labrador retriever/sharpei mix. She is

mostly white but has spots on her skin and a pretty black nose.

Barbie was found running the streets of Costa Mesa. She was skinny

and not well. When she got to the shelter she had a serious cold that

took nearly a month to cure. Barbie hardly ever barks, she has a very

proud and prissy attitude when she walks. She is great with other

dogs, male or female, and she is wonderful with children of any age.

Barbie has short hair and sheds very little. She loves to run and

would do well at Dog Beach. Come take our Barbie for a run at the

Orange County Humane Society, 21632 Newland St., Huntington Beach.

(714) 536-8480.
