
Walk confidently, directly and at a steady...

Walk confidently, directly

and at a steady pace on the side of the street facing traffic.

Criminals look for someone who appears vulnerable.

Walk close to the curb. Avoid doorways, bushes and alleys where

attackers can hide.

If a car appears to be following you, turn and walk in the

opposite direction or walk on the other side of the street.

If you are in danger, scream and run, or yell “fire.” Run toward

lights or people.

Always lock car doors after entering or leaving your car. Don’t

leave valuables in plain view.

Have your car keys in your hand and check the back seat area

before entering your car.

If you think you are being followed, drive to a public place or to

a police or sheriff’s station.

Your best defense is to be prepared -- know your options ahead of

time. Your

safety may depend upon your ability to stay cool and calm.

Require salespeople or repair people to show identification.

The No. 1 killer of teenagers, before they go to college, is

alcohol-related highway accidents.

About one-third of local arrests involve alcohol. Alcohol abuse

impairs judgment, causes injuries and kills.

Keep emergency phone numbers handy or memorize them.

Discuss safety plans with family, friends, neighbors, children and


Use a purse with a shoulder strap. Carry it with the side that

opens toward you. Hold your purse securely.
