
Hoping the bad boy makes good

We’re going to strike a slightly different tune here.

Dennis Rodman, NBA bad boy turned Newport Beach bad boy during the

past few years, has sold his beachfront West Newport digs and is

planning to move to a more family-friendly home in Newport Coast or

Shady Canyon. And rather than bid him a fond, quick farewell with a

loud “and don’t come back!,” we’re going to go with this:

Word is Rodman’s trying to clean up his act. He wants to play

basketball again. He wants to get in shape. He wants to cut out the

drinking. He’s got a kid to think about.

And we wish him the best. Rodman’s been kicked often enough (not

to suggest he didn’t frequently deserve it and not to gloss over that

two days after he sold his home his powerboat was impounded, again).

But we’re all for people improving their lives and the lives of their


We’ll even accept him improving the lives of his neighbors-to-be.
