
What is a chancellor?

Marisa O’Neil

With controversy swirling around pay raises for management at Coast

Community College District, some may be wondering: Exactly what is a

chancellor and what do they do?

“The chancellor is the chief executive officer for the district,”

said John Renley, vice chancellor for human resources at Coast

Community College District. “He or she oversees 60,000 students [at

this district] and a budget of around $155 million. This person does

not handle the day-to-day activities. The higher you go, the less you

handle, but what you do handle has greater impact.”

College presidents -- Coast Community College District has four,

one for each campus and one for KOCE-TV -- report to the chancellor

who, in turn, reports to the district board of trustees. The

chancellor provides his or her vision and guidance to the board so it

can make the decisions on behalf of the district, Renley said.

Presidents of the academic senates, organizations on campus made

up of teachers and students, and teacher’s unions, report to the

chancellor as do the district’s three vice chancellors. Chancellors

represent the district in local, state and national organizations.

Minimum qualifications for president and chancellor at the

district include a master’s degree or California Community College

Administrative Officer Credential -- which has not been offered since

1990, Renley said. The preferred candidate would have a doctorate, he


The latest chancellor search netted 21 candidates. That got weeded

down to nine, all of whom have doctorates, Renley said.

Ultimately, the board approved Golden West College President Ken

Yglesias as the next chancellor. He will take over when Bill Vega

retires next month.

They may, Renley said, place an interim president at the head of

Golden West to give the district sufficient time to find a

