
Daily Pilot readers salute ‘Mom’ on her special day

My mom, Denise Marie Henderson McPhee, is an exceptional role model

and best friend. She is an excellent listener, and an even better

talker (she’ll talk your ear off every day). But when she talks, she

speaks with sense, knowledge, ease and guidance. Her personality and

beauty urges me to follow her example. My mother never fails to keep

my sister and me laughing uproariously with her crazy dances, comical

demeanor and annoying quirks.

She inspires others with her talent of psychology and love for her

family. My mother’s goofy sense of humor transforms daunting

situations into events worth remembering. She walks through

calamities with a bright smile on her face, knowing that God will

guide her every step of the way.

My mom stands up for what she believes, a trait worthy of praise.

She is my lifeline, my solid rock. If my life was a catastrophe, but

I had my mother by my side, everything would be peachy keen. My life

would still be a tremendous blessing. I love you, Mom, and thanks for

all you do. Happy Mothers Day.


For more letters, see pages A6-A8
