
District was wrong to waive algebra I...

District was wrong to waive algebra

I think it was not the right thing for the high school district to

allow 40 seniors to graduate without passing algebra. Algebra is so

simple. And I think that schools are short-changing our children.


Huntington Beach

My recommendation is that if the school set the standard, we

should keep the standard. If you don’t follow that, then we are

sending a conflicting message to the community. Students, when they

are young, they don’t want to do anything, so we have to motivate



Huntington Beach

I strenuously object to the school district having allowed these

seniors to graduate without completing a state-mandated course in

algebra. I don’t suppose that there is anything that can be done now

to make these seniors take the course or withdraw their graduation

certificates, but I do feel that someone ought to be examining the

qualifications of the school district members and maybe we should get

rid of those who allowed this to happen.


Huntington Beach

There is no need for Davis to resign

No, Ron Davis should not resign. Although there is no law

preventing the use of a pseudonym, it appears Ron chose the wrong

method of soliciting candid feedback on issues surrounding

improprieties and ethics of the Planning Commission.

Davis is a strong leader, more ethical and honest than not, and

should not be punished because of his atypical sense of humor

Certainly the public would assess Davis to be clever, with a

better than average IQ. He is articulate and communicates exceedingly

well both orally and in writing -- he represents the city in a

positive manner. I am confident Davis understands and abides by the

Brown Act as well as the advice provided by the city attorney

relative to the Brown Act.

While I do not agree with Davis on some issues, I find him to be

honest, fair-minded and dedicated to serving the city. Davis is a

strong advocate of encouraging the public to voice their wishes,

concerns and advice relative to items on the agenda as well as oral

communication input.

Perhaps Davis’ downfall was his witty approach to accomplish his

goal, in this instance, to enlighten the public by way of an inquiry

as to “what’s so wrong with this guy, Ron Davis?” in such a way to

stimulate some thought on the controversy. It appears he was looking

for a “fair shake.”

Overall, Davis is an asset to the Planning Commission, makes

himself available to the public, runs the meetings efficiently,

keeping the commissioners on task, and has a good understanding of

what his job as a Planning Commission chair entails. Davis has done

nothing illegal or immoral -- certainly nothing to cause him to step

down. He has my vote of support. Let’s get on with the business of

city land-use issues.


Huntington Beach

* CARRIE THOMAS is a Hunting- ton Beach Planning Commissioner

Davis should step down form post

Yes, I think Ron Davis should resign from the Planning Commission

-- immediately -- and any other post he may hold in the city. We

don’t need this sort of person in important city positions where

character and honesty should count. Also, Councilwoman Debbie Cook

should be ashamed for trying to blame the message board for the

behavior of her appointee, Davis a.k.a. Stuart Welsh.


Huntington Beach

Maybe city should sue Praise Christian

Huntington Beach city taxpayers have once again been forced to pay

legal fees by a church that claims it is above the law. Perhaps it is

time for the city to file civil charges against Praise Christian

Center to recoup losses and send a clear message that the law applies

equally to all.


Huntington Beach

Isn’t it an adult sports complex?

While thrilled to see any new sports fields in Huntington Beach, I

wonder why the new complex is called the Youth Sports Complex when

primarily adults will play there. Your article in the Independent

(“Strike or home run,” April 29) states the complex is for adult use.

What gives? Perhaps it was just politically expedient to call it the

Youth Sports Complex.


Huntington Beach

Cheer squad being treated unfairly

I feel cheerleading in general is being discriminated against in

this cheer coach firing situation. All of us familiar with Huntington

Beach High School know that other coaches and sports on campus are

respected for what they do, no matter how many times their team


This program, which developed from nothing to something great, is

instantly demolished because of mere rumors and slander according to

one parent. Why didn’t the parents get the respect to be heard before

this tragedy occurred to their girls? Cheer nationals to most people

mean nothing, but to these kids it meant everything. Everyone has

their favorite sport and enjoy watching the best of the best. They

missed their chance and lost their respected coach who got them to

the top. This is wrong and should be dealt with.


Huntington Beach
