
How you can show your love for God

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“Even God’s people must realize that each people is chosen by God to

fill a different role in the destiny of the human race.”


“I don’t have the finances or the flexibility that I used to,

Cindy,” a friend said recently. “I wish I could do something to show

God how much I love Him and appreciate all He has done to help turn

my life around.

“I’d like to volunteer at church or in the community, but my time

is so limited,” she continued. “There must be something I can do,

even if it’s little.”

My friend and I talked about various seemingly small things she

could do that might make a big difference to someone else. She also

realized that praying more for others would make a difference, too.

Then I read and shared with her the following poem that my friend

Frank Carpenter wrote. It captures the heart of each of us fulfilling

the role God has chosen for us. What a great reminder that God has

unique plans for each and every one of us. Here is an excerpt:

‘It Takes All Kinds’

“Well, some people think God can’t use them at all.

“They think they’re too short or too slow or too tall.

“They’re afraid that they may not have studied enough,

“They’re not trained, or ordained, or all that fancy stuff.

“But when folks feel this way, they just don’t understand

“That God needs us all and He’ll give us a hand.

“You need not be a preacher, or a prophet or such;

“No, God wants all kinds, each with their special touch.

“He needs mentors and tutors and folks to drive vans;

“Artists, cooks, cleaners, and musicians for bands;

“Computer geeks, nurses, folks for yard work and chores

“Teachers, dreamers, accountants and administrators,

“Organizers and go-getters of each shape and size.

“Folks with love in their hearts, their hands and their eyes,

“Writers, photographers, secretaries and more

“Who may have served a whole lifetime, or never before;

“Plumbers, dancers and bakers, coaches, managers too

“In fact, God can use you, whatever you do,

“Whatever your passion, whatever your dreams;

“Whoever you are, God wants you on His team.

“There are so many options and so many needs,

“So many people to teach, mentor, care for and feed.

“And we need lots of help from folks just like you

“Who might feel called, but aren’t sure what to do.

“So if you’re feeling that tug way down deep in your heart

“This just might be the day to respond and to start.

“Don’t worry about how, or what, you will do

“God takes care of that part and He’ll see you through.

“You have gifts, you have interests, different from all the rest.

“If you’re willing to use them you can bless ... and be blessed.

“So, get off of the sidelines and into the game,

Start sharing God’s love and His wonderful name.

Whoever you are and whatever you do

God has a place in His work ... just for you!”

Thank you, Frank, for your inspirational poem, and thank you, God,

for your eternal plans.

And you can quote me on that.

* CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON is a Newport Beach resident who speaks

frequently to parenting groups. She may be reached via e-mail at

[email protected] or through the mail at 537 Newport Center Drive,

Box 505, Newport Beach, CA 92660.
