
NEWPORT BEACH Film Fest packs them in...


Film Fest packs them in

throughout 10-day run

Moviegoers filled the city’s theaters last week during the Newport

Beach Film Festival.

One night’s screening included the film “Trekkies II,” but nary a

Star Trek devotee appeared to be in attendance -- there were no long

ears or Klingon brows.

* A long-lasting battle in the city had an unexpected ending when

one of the participants passed away.

Elmer Thomassen, 83, had been in a 40-year fight with the city

over the state of his home. In recent months, he had relented and

allowed a nonprofit group to help him clean his Dover Drive


“Toward the end, we had a very good relationship with Dr.

Thomassen and he was very enthusiastic about what we were doing,”

said Terry Debay, a spokesman for Go and Do Likewise who helped

organize the cleanup. “He said that when he got well, he wanted to

come out with us to clean up other places. It was a very positive

relationship at the end.”

Thomassen did not get that opportunity.

-- Daily Pilot staff
