
Duck, duck, goose

There were the Grand Canal ducks. There’s always Rupert. And now the

latest fowls to earn human friendship and concern are the geese at

TeWinkle Park.

These birds are facing a tough late summer when the city renovates

the park’s two lakes. That’s just fine for those feathered folks who

can fly off, but those for whom long migration travel plans aren’t in

the picture, things could get dicey.

City workers say they are complying with regulations put down by

the state Department of Fish and Game -- but those don’t include any

requirements for handling the grounded geese. And there’s where the

upset starts.

Somehow, though, given we’re six or so months away from the work

and folks of the human variety are already squawking, this sounds

like an issue that’s bound to get solved. It might cost a little

extra dough, but surely not more than one golden egg fetches these

