
Keep an eye on those tide pools

Recently, one of our letter writers suggested Laguna hire a full-time

Marine Safety and Education Officer. We like the idea of a full-time

tide pool monitor with the authority to enforce the $1,000 fine for

taking sea creatures. Of course, considering city leaders can’t even

afford to hire enough lifeguards for their liking, a marine safety

officer is a long shot.

In the meantime, we have our docents -- thank you very much -- and

we have our vigilant beachgoers. With everyone who cares about the

survival of the tide pools keeping an eye out for them, the amount of

people getting away with scooping up our little treasures should be


Of course, some culprits don’t want to hear it. If you spy someone

picking out urchins and sea anemones, go ahead and mention to them

that they are protected if you have the gumption. But if they argue,

or if you’re not the confrontational type, let an official know.

Lifeguards (as busy as they are) and police have the authority to

make people put the creatures back and even the authority to fine


Whatever you do, don’t let it go. With enough people watching and

enough people warned, maybe we can save our tide pools and watch them

